I Can't Make You Love Me
This reminds me of something my late grandmother would always say, Sometimes you have to go through the bad, before God blesses you with someone good. After all you can't make someone love you and it doesn't matter how much money you have or how successful you may become, true love is very hard to find. For those who may think because they are a good man or woman, have good looks, have a great job, a good education or feel that they are God's gift to men or women. News flash! Even you can be cheated on, can be used or abused and money can't buy you love. Even if you are currently dating someone right now or married, it doesn't guarantee that they will love you, not cheat on you or that they will be with you for a lifetime. Why? Because even though some men or women happen to have good man or woman in their lives, most of them are never satisfied. Most people these days, are always looking for something better or the next big thing. That is why there are so many men or women cheating on their spouses, because they are unsatisfied with their mates. What they fail to realize is that what they are searching for is already within their mist. Why would I say this? Because the person they are with, already loves them for who they are, they know their spouses habits, their faults and despite it all they still put up with them. I used to be one of those people who believe that if you were good to someone, treated them with respect and showed that you really love them, that they would love you back. Boy, was I wrong!You can treat someone like a King or Queen, give them your heart, everything you have including your world and they still won't be happy or love you. As you know ,you can't make someone love you or want you, can you?After all, I Can't Make You Love Me. Write in, then express your thoughts or opinions on the subject.
Thank you for your response. Sometime ago I would have reacted just as you would. I would have said, I would need to wait on God when it comes to choosing my spouse or mate. But after the years past by, I learned that if one isn't aggressive or if one doesn't seek or go after their dreams then it very possible that what I want to happen won't come to past. What I mean by this is, when we want a certain type of job, car or house we go after it. We don't just dream about it, we work hard until we get it. Why can't we do the same when seeking a spouse or mate? To me it sounds real funny when men or women want God to just give them a good man or woman. No one wants to work hard to get one or keep one. They instead want a good man or woman to come to them and be just right for them. Life doesn't work that way and in this world, I have found only those who work hard, sacrifice and do what it takes to get what they want, are the ones that are truly successful. My advice is simple, If you want a good man or a good woman, then go after it, just as you would a house or a car. After all no one wants to have a fancy home or a nice car without someone special to share it with.
I will patienty wait on him to find me. I'm sure it's hard for a man to choose that "good thing" but I'm sure with the direction of the Lord they will make the right decision. I refuse to be "agressive" or go after a man and jeopardize my reputation to be called a "fast" or "loose" woman. I refuse to "date" numerous men to find the "one". I'll leave the sorting for the Lord. I'll watch from a distant and look for godly character and then the Lord will show me my mate. I know too many women that are so inpatient that they hook up with the "wrong man" because they want somebody in their life and willing to put up with anything. I noticed that many people are not living a fulfilled life because they are waiting on that special someone to fulfill them, those are the ones that end up with a person that makes their life miserable than they had before. So we must examine ourselves to see if we are husband or wife material. Has all the baggage from the past been disposed of? Have you forgiven that person that hurt you so the next person that comes in your life doesn't have to pay for it. Chuck I pray you find that special person your looking for, but I will partner with Prince and wait on mines to be heavenly sent. Be blessed Lynette
I really appreciate your response, after all God and Love are my two favorite subjects. They are both intertwined and you can't have one without the other. Which leads me to your comment. Many of us don't have someone to love or someone to call their own because they also refuse to do certain things. To me its a shame that both men or women put more value on material possessions than they do with love. I know that most men or women would love for God to just send them the perfect man or woman without them lifting a finger. But if you look at the facts it just doesn't happen that way. First of all, when people are in relationships or marriages it takes two. Yes, the Bible clearly states that, when a man finds a wife he finds a good thing, but the woman also has to be proven worthy of being a wife. Which means to me that she has to do her part in order to make the marriage work. These days both men and women have become very lazy when it comes to love. No one wants to make the effort to find their soul-mate or their spouses for life. All you hear these days is I hope he or she finds me so that I can be happy. All I can say to that is Wow! And why wait or how long will you wait? Until you are to old to love or by some miracle you get lucky and find true love. Well I don't believe in luck and I am too old to wait! Most men Lynette wouldn't think that you are desperate if you showed them that you were interested in them. In fact it in my opinion would show the that you are simply interested in getting to know them. My question to you and other women Lynette is, How can a man know that you are single and interested if you don't say anything? Men are not mind readers and we think just like some of you women think when we see someone we are attracted to. That you are either married, have someone already or not very interested. I hope after reading my comment that you are getting the picture. If men or women are scared to go after each other, how can they in fact come together as one and be the couple that they both dreamed of?