Why Are You Still Single?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions, Why am I single? Why am I not married to the man or woman of my dreams? Or have you asked yourself these series of very personal questions, What's wrong with me? Why can't I seem to keep or attract a good man or woman? How many times do I have to break up with someone or how many time must I get married then divorce before I finally get it right? And the most important question of them all is, Where are all the good men or women? If you are like most single people, then you would have come to believe that there are no good men or women out there. Its gotten so bad that these days , men and women are now divided into groups of none believers. One group (the men) saying that the only way to find a good woman these days, is by going out of the country to find a suitable mate or spouse. On the other hand there is a large group of women who feel that good men are so rare or hard to find that many of them are considering going celibate and won't date at all. The question I have for both the single men or women is, Have you guys really looked into the mirror and examined yourself? Really have you? The reason why I asked this question is because sometimes the reason why certain people haven't found true love is because of their own issues or personal problems. Many single people have unresolved issues from their past, but still try get involved in new relationships. For those who don't have those type of problems, the reason maybe because of their high expectations. Many men or women expect perfection, even though they have a lot of flaws themselves. The question I have for you, if you happen to be divorced or single, Why are you still single? Do you really believe in your heart of hearts that there are really no good men or women and if so is that the real reason why you are still single? Please write in, express your thoughts or opinions on the subject and in my next blog I will give my away my secrets to making your marriage or relationship a success.


B.Lacy said…
Good Job!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Chuck,
The reason why I am still single, is because every time I am on a date, some bomb ass chick ask me to pay her bills or she ask me what type of car do I drive. I am tired of these money hungry women! Always after my ends, you feel me? I want to go on a real date, not a job interview. That's why I am still single. There are a lot of women out there playing games. For real and I am tired of it. You feel me?
Anonymous said…
Whats up Chuck!
Man, the reason why I am still single is because most of these women these days are after my car. Man I happen to work at a car dealership, so one day I might be driving a Camaro and the next a Lexus. Every time I pull off in a fresh ride, the women be sweating me, like its mine !Then when I tell them I don't own a car , they don't want to have anything to do with me. What they don't realize is that I am saving up for me a ride and besides that its not about the car I drive, its about me! Man these materialistic women are driving me crazy! Why am I single, because they only want me when I am driving a nice ride, when I am looking fresh or when I have money in my pockets! Where are the real women? Where you at?!!!
Charles Holmes said…
Hello Russell and Curtis,
I defiantly feel you, when it comes to women only wanting a man because of his money or the car he drives. I have been on many dates and most of them sometimes are just like job interviews. First they ask you where do you work or where do you live? How much money do you make? Then they ask you about your family? Then they ask you what are your long term or short time goals and all of this is asked on the first date. It make me want to say, get to know me first, before you find out about my finances or about my family. Or I may ask them do you want to know my name or what do I like to do before you ask those questions? I been on many dates with women asking me to pay their bill or to take care of them and their children. Some women just don't get it and you are right its not about your money or the car you drive. I feel you Russell and Curtis, tell those women to get too know you before they ask you those serious questions.

Anonymous said…
For me I'm single because i am waiting for what God has for me, so I'm not stressing about it just living, however, my friends and I always say we don't go anywhere to show a man that we are available, just work and church. We'll just laugh and say we guess the good men are doing the same thing, work and church. lol After reading the two posts from Russell and Curtis, I wonder if those gold digging women are the only women they are attracting? The high maintenance, self centered, "give me what I want" woman. These women will take you for every thing you got while giving you their "jewels" to keep you under control until they find someone better and these women always have the pretty face and nice body to lust after. It's like a continuous soap opera. The woman that can make you happy may not have the pretty face or nice body but the character to keep your attention and the heart to give you what you need and not always what you want becaue what you want may not be good for you, That's what you call beauty in a woman and they don't care what kind of car you ride in. Chuck you mentioned that you will share the secrets to a successful marriage. I've noticed that a couple that spends time together doing the everyday necessities of life are very happy peo0ple. You always see them together grocery shopping, visiting family, being playful, having the utmost respect for one another and most importantly God first in their lives. I only know less than a handful of couples who fall in those categories. Being single is not a bad thing, it gives you time to examine yourself, make changes that are needed in your life and then prepare yourself for your mate. Lynette
Charles Holmes said…
Love the comment Lynette,
And you are right, finding the right person these days are very difficult. You would think with all this technology that dating would become easy, when in fact its become harder. Why? Because that very same technology has made many of us less social and many of us are not only disconnected from our family or friends, but also from potential spouses. That is why I miss the good old days, where people met at church, the movies, a local grocery store or the mall. Back then even your friends or relatives did their best to help you find that special man or woman. Why? Because back then people really talked to each other and they looked out for their family or friends. People in the past knew where the good men or women were and also knew who wasn't good enough for their friends, sons or daughters. Today its internet dating, cell phones, Twitter and Face book. Can these sites really help someone find true love? In some cases yes, but when the facts come out you will find that even these sites don't match good old face to face dating.


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