Oh No They Didn't

Since Christmas is only days away, I thought that I would bring a little Christmas cheer or laughter. No holiday would be complete without a little fun. One day after school my son asked me a strange question. No it wasn't a question about the birds and the bees or anything most normal children would ask, it was a question asked out of anger. My son looked at me and said Dad, why did God create stupid people? Then I looked at him and said so that we could learn from them and laugh at them. Before he could tell me what happen at school he started to smile and then latter laugh. Now back to the reason my son was so angry. At school he explained the teacher was about to give the class a break before the holidays, because she thought that everyone in her class completed their assignments. But before she could give her class that break, one of the children blurted out that they still had one assignment to complete. My son Marcus said, Dad the whole class was mad, how could she be so stupid! Oh no she didn't someone said in class and then they all worked on their assignments.
Now here are some stories that has brought me laughter to my world. One day a guy was making a robbery at a local bank. First he handed the teller his drivers license and then a note asking for all of the money. Now the teller did her job by handing this stupid crook the money, but the police sure didn't have any problem solving this crime. Another story I read about was a woman shoplifting at the mall, while attempting to shoplift some purses. While she was doing this her baby, was in the stroller where she hid the stolen purses. If that wasn't crazy enough while she was on her way out of the store one of the cashiers notice that the purse she was caring had a tag on it. When they searched her they found ten purses all stuffed up under her beautiful baby girl. Why did God create stupid people? So that we could learn from them and later laugh at them. Oh no they didn't! If you have any stories that you would like to share, please write in and then share them.
Until then Merry Christmas to all of my readers,


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