If Only You Knew
Have you ever met or ran across a man or woman, that were so beautiful or handsome that they just took your breath away? Every time you saw them your heart , would skip a beat and no matter how hard you tried you couldn't find the words to express yourself or you didn't quite know what to say? In your own mind you would question yourself and say I wonder what would happen if they really knew how I feel or how much I care? Would it make a difference or would I be rejected? Am I their type or am I out of my league?Does he or she date my type or am I the type of person that appeals to him or her? These are the questions, that keep many of us from pursuing the people we are interested in. What a lot of women don't realize is that most men are afraid of rejection and some men really don't deal with it very well. That's why most simply say nothing allowing their dream girl to walk away. Then there are some women that are old fashion and feel that its the mans job to pursue them. Then they wait hoping, wishing or praying that the man of their dreams will speak up or come their way. That's why many people remain single and never go after the man or woman of their dreams.Why? Because many are just afraid or stuck in their old fashion ways.
The questions I have for them or to you ( if you just be happen to be reading this is) why are you so afraid?Aren't you aware that we live in a new age or time? Don't you also know or realize that you will never know unless you try? What's wrong with you saying something or letting them know how you really feel? What if they are just like yourself, afraid or to shy, scared too express themselves out of fear of rejection? Or maybe they may think that you maybe taken or married. My advice to you or to anyone else that may be reading this is go after your dreams and stop admiring, dreaming, loving, lusting, thinking or wishing for them behind close doors. Stop talking about them to your friends or relatives and speak up! Say something! Text, call or e-mail! After all this is 2014!Be bold or daring! Life isn't worth living or having if one doesn't have another to love and hold on to forever! Women don't have to wait on the man anymore and to the men just man up, then act like one! Who knows, if they only knew how you really felt and then you both could be together for a lifetime. Write in then express your thoughts or opinions on the subject.
Until then have a wonderful week,
If you happen to be talking , texting or e-mailing your friend maybe you are not using the right words or actions . But I can give you some advice from a mans perspective. If you have his number and he is still communicating with you, that means he is still interested. As far as his feelings are concerned the only way you will find out how he really feels is by expressing your own. I always find it amusing when I get letters from both men and women saying that the expect the other to make the first move. A relationship or a marriage takes two, who makes the first move doesn't make much of a difference , just as longs it gets results. Ms. Prince instead of texting or e-mailing your guy, show him instead. Its like the old saying says seeing is believing.
Good luck too you,
I would never make you go against the Bible or your Pastors teaching. Even though this is not a spiritual site I happen to be a spiritual man. I believe what the Bible says when a man finds a wife he finds a good thing. If you read what I just wrote, when a man finds a wife, that means when a man determines the woman, he has been seeing or dating is worthy of being called a wife. Then she becomes that good thing the Bible implies she is. All I was saying that there is nothing wrong with a woman making her feelings known to the man she is interested in. This has been done since the beginning of time. Sometimes men in general need to be pushed or persuaded into doing the right thing. Some men wouldn't know what a good woman looks like until she is right in front of his face. There is a saying in the bible that is true to both men and women, show yourself approved. Which means if you know that you are husband or wife material and the person is a good match for you, then by all means go for it.
Thank you for the reply Lynette,