Make Love Not War
(1) Have you ever encountered a person who thinks, they know it all? You know the person that has been to college for over 20 years? The person that brags about how many degrees they have, PHD's or how much more experience in life they over yourself. Or the person that enjoys talking about people, including yourself or someone who enjoys spreading rumors or lies. They watch the news or televison so much, that they themselves become, Anchor men or women.(2) Or have you met the perfectionist? You know they type of person that does not want a hair in their head to get out of place. House is perfectly clean( I am that person smile). Someone who takes so much pride in themselves, that they forget that others are not that way or they may feel they have never made a mistake in their whole life, therefore they are perfect.(3) Finally the person that has a lot of friends or relatives,you know the ones that seem to always get in your business? Your man or woman love their friends or relatives' so much that they either tell them everything that is going on in your business or in your house. (Especially the bad stuff!) Or your spouses friends , then relatives might try to influence your mate to do something that you may not like. Those are just some of the things that can drive a man or woman crazy and those things can break up a happy home. It seems the people that do not have a man or a woman are the ones, that are always trying to ruin your relationship. My mother used to say misery loves company and if you happen to have more happiness then your friends or relatives then they aren't happy. Also you have to be, on the look out, for people who are either jealous or envious of you. These people will stop at nothing or will do anything to ruin your relationship or marriage. It seems when you think everything is good at home, is when the devil comes right in and tries to ruin your life.
I want to assure any woman who may read this and say, "Yes, there are many good men out there a lot of them are clean cut or have their own style, well mannered, God fearing, caring, hard working, drug free and understanding . If you consider yourself a good woman or a good wife, then understand this God did not stop creating or making good men. Where are the good men? They are everywhere and in places you may not even consider looking in. But just like many women ,men are scared or fearful of giving their hearts to someone who may hurt them. After all women are men's biggest weakness. Also after some careful thought and prayer I began to realize, where there is trouble the devil is always in the mist. I know there are a lot of women who enjoy a good argument or enjoy matching wits with their spouse or mates and some men enjoy a good fight just like anyone else. But when it comes to love or marriage, most men would rather, Make love than start an argument, fuss, fight or go to war. This Valentines Day or the New Year, make love and do your best to avoid all wars or conflict. Make Love Not War! Write in the express your thoughts or views on the subject.
Have a wonderful Valentines Day,