Me, Myself And I
Its always been my belief or opinion that the first relationship anyone should establish strongly(If you happen to be a Christian or spiritual like myself God) is with their self. As I was once told as a child that besides God, that there is no one more important in the world than the man or woman in the mirror. As a man or woman each of us should know who we are or what we are as adults, that way each of us could look into the face adversity or of the unknown and handle it with confidence. Which mean before one tries love someone else or to take care of them, they first have to be able to do the same things for themselves. And before one can seek peace from others, they first have to be in peace with in themselves. If you aren't happy or satisfied with your life then no one else will be either and until you resolve your personal own issues you won't be able to help others with theirs. This is why a having a strong personal relationship with yourself is so important and once you have found peace with yourself, then you can conquer, handle or over come almost anything. That way one could walk into the world when confronted, then say its all about Me, Myself And I, anything else is secondary or last. Yes I have a life, I have bills, I also have a family with responsibilities and what ever happens behind my closed doors aren't any of your business. If I allow or choose to have you in my world, then it will be on my time. It doesn't matter what you think or say about me, because its not about you and I don't care about any of the drama or mess. Because its all about Me, Myself And I!There is nothing in this world (other than God) more important than Me, Myself And I. Write in then express your thoughts or feelings on the subject.
Until then have a great weekend,