The Difference Between Sex And Making Love
Since many people today don't have a clue or don't know the difference between the two let me explain; Sex is a lustful desire, feeling, act, craving or emotion that is only preform or sought out for pleasure or for a perceived need and in many cases have been known to become an addiction. Some people can't live without sex, while with others think about is so much that they become sex addicts or nymphomaniacs. Without a visit to a doctor or treatment these people can loose everything they own or destroy any established relationship they may have. Making love is an expression or a feeling shared between to loving willing souls. In other words two unselfish people engaged in a specific act to please the other. When most people engage in sex there is mostly one thought that comes to mine, I am here to get my pleasure, hopefully they will too and if they don't that's on them. But when it comes to making love both are only trying to please the other instead of themselves. What I am trying to say to the men or the women if you are only interested in having sex, with no commitment then do yourself and the person you are interested in a favor be honest. If you do, then you will not only save the person you are interested in a lot of heartache or pain, but you also will be able to navigate through any type of relationship that you choose to be in without drama or stress free. These days its very easy to spot someone who is only interested in a man or woman's body, by their actions and words. A man or woman who is only looking or seeking love and then a future commitment will wait until the person they interested or in love with is ready to make love. Why? Because it isn't about sex, when they touch you its all about making love. That's The Difference Between Sex And Making Love. Write in then express your thoughts or feelings on the subject.