Confused Identity
Dear Juile,
I feel compelled to write you a brief notation you wrote to my writing partner chuck..Julie the vision and dream you experienced was a vision from
God, it was not by mistake that you experienced such a dream...The devil will never let you see anything that has a happen ending….This
is where the rubber meets the road, either you’re going to stay self-centered
and create your own life journey, or will you choose the path that God has
shown you in that vision…..Ok, you’re a lesbian as you said, but before you continue
to believe what the devil continues to psychologically interpret your mind-stream to
carnally think who Julie think she really are, then you must dig much deeper into your soul…..Julie
I am well intune to tell you what the spirit of God is speaking to me, and I must
share this with you….I want you to understand when the spirit of God speak, I
must obey so don’t take it personal…Before you were drawn into the lifestyle
that “you” yes I said “you” chose on your own, you were very faithful in your
relationship with God, what happen? What caused you to lose faith and trust in
God…What caused you to turn away in trusting God……I don’t buy that story of
waking up next to a woman the next morning, which made you realize you were gay….and runaway into a situation that only you felt was right for you.....I
don’t buy this for one second, I have to be honest….This is only an excuse, as
I will say a poor excuse…I’m not trying to be tough, unfair, obnoxious, or
hardcore…But my heart is lead by the Holy Spirit of God to help you open yourself up
to truth….One thing I know is the spirit of God never lies….So what had you so
bound, perplexed, and mournful inside yourself that caused you to sink within
yourself and except that paper-mill cognition the enemy set-up to confuse you
with for several long years? If you want honesty, and truth, you must first be ready
to share the truth about Julie first…..I’m not talking about living your life
as a lesbian, I’m talking about your life before you trapped yourself into that
lifestyle….You know exactly what I am talking about……When you’re ready to open
up and go back to the beginning before those seven years, I’m right here
waiting to help you…..Only you can make that decison to unleash the truth, when you are ready to reveal what we both know as will always feel somewhat resentful when you felt the way you felt in the barber shop.....Come on and open up, it will not jurt you but it can help you grow into spiritual maturity.....Until then keep reading the blog for spiritual growth……I want you to listen to the song as you read the message...