In Love With A Person With Issues
On our quest to find the perfect, the right man or woman, most of us will find that every person we meet or come across has some type of issue to deal or deep secrete that they have been working hard to keep away from the rest of the world. They could have a child, many children or hidden children, bad credit, no car or money, live with their parents or homeless, a criminal history and some or most are just getting out of a relationship or marriage. The deeper secretes are those who happen to be in the closet , you know the ones that are gay, bisexual, killers or happen to be hooked on drugs. Why do we fall," In Love With A Person With Issues"? Maybe its because they have a beautiful smile, handsome face, sexy figure, good or great in bed or maybe its that little something, in each of us feel that we can help, save, rescue, rehab or shape them into the man or woman we really want them to be. It sounds crazy that some of us think of ourselves as doctors, psychologist or mental health specialist, but that is what we become when we date or marry someone with issues. That's when our hearts over power our minds and we get involved with a person, that we know will only bring us problems or troubles, then latter break our hearts and then add some unwanted drama or pain to into our lives. If you ever wondered why some couple start to look alike after time, its because their problems, troubles or issues become their own and they just like their other half become a person with issues. The question is it really worth it to fall in love with a a stranger or "In Love With A Person With Issues? Write in then give your thoughts or views on the subject.
Have an awesome night,