Different Approach

One thing that time never affords any of us is being youthful or staying young forever, because all of us in time will grow older. That right as long as each of are blessed or as some may say lucky, most of us will live well past others to our 40's,50's, 60's and beyond. Only God knows the time or day when each of us shall part from this world called Earth. That's why with so much death around us, I would always encourage anyone that would read or listen, to live their lives without regret, always to the fullest and when things aren't right or going their way, always to use a Different Approach to change their lives or current situation. Until a person is finally mature or realizes that out of all the people in the world, THEY, are the most important thing in their life, then nothing will ever change and the same principal also applies to relationships or marriages. Most relationships or marriages get stale, end or don't get any stronger because of the type of approach used by each individual .That's why I encourage anyone who would read this is to make their relationship or marriage their top priority. In other words give your marriage or relationship the same effort you would give your job or career. I truly believe that if every-one did this then more people would stay married and in turn more relationships would end up in life long marriages. Today use a Different Approach, tried by the very few that have marriages that last a lifetime. Have a great day, Chuck


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