Is it A Man Thing Or A Woman Thing?

Back in the old days life was so simple men would open doors for the ladies and women would smile then say, "Thank You". In those day both men and women knew their roles they really appreciated, then respected each other.They didn't have any problem with it because it worked and had been that way , long before any of them were born. Today I find myself wondering what happen to simple dating, romance, marrying and then being with your high school sweetheart until death due you part? Now the Internet and social media has complicated and confused dating or marriages. No one these days want to stay with their partners or lovers for a lifetime and no one really wants to work at it, to make it work or keep it together. There is no more for better or worse until death due us part and no one want to look, then find their soul-mate or true love. Today there are only breakups, multiple marriages and divorce. Sex is easy instead of being sacred and babies daddy's or momma's are now a dime a dozen. Thinking about this really makes me miss the good old days, you know when families would meet at grandmothers house on Sundays or when all children really knew who were their real fathers or mothers? I remember passing love notes in class to the girl I had a crush on through friends, talking on the phone to my high school girlfriend until midnight and slow dancing to my favorite love song at a friends house party. Talking to her for months and even a year before I was allowed to date or meet her parents. I wounder what happen to the good old days and why have things change so much, not for the better but for the worse?

When I was a child I remember my father getting home from a hard days of work, my mother would have his meal prepared for him. Then she would bring it too him after he sat down in his favorite chair. My father used to eat before the children ate. I remember asking my mother this question," Mom why do we, always have to wait until our father eats"? I am hungry, so why must I wait? Then she gave me a look, that if looks could kill I would be dead. Before she beat my @##$$%%$ , she answered me by saying, because your father is the head of the house and he is the bread winner. I remembered when my father sat down and watched a sporting event, it was understood that was a man thing. My father also had deep respect for my mother, he stayed out of the kitchen and when it came to raising the children he always let my mother have her way. Back then women understood that men , manicured the yard, put out the trash, loved their sports, enjoyed hunting ,or fishing and when it came to making the money or paying the bills it was understood that the man was the bread winner. Now in today's time both men or women roles are very different and in many cases reversed. Now women expect men to be sensitive, to get in touch with their feminine side and now in many households women are now the only ones working or the bread winners . As far as the women are concern some men expect their women to know their sports, be the head of the house, become the bread winner and to be hard when a crises arrives. Funny because back in my day men were suppose to be the strong ones and the women were suppose to be there only for support. Now I am totally I'm confused now, because there are some who feel that men should act like women and women should act like men? Really? I thought being a gentleman, hard, strong, ruff, the protector, showing growing boys how to be men and being manly should be a man thing. Being sensitive, loving, caring, good with the kids, teaching little girls how to be young women, being pretty, sexy or fine and solving problems that no man could hope to understand was a woman thing? Its a wonder men and women are having a hard time finding each other these days, because both are now having an identity crisis. How could anyone these days know whats a real man or woman when they never really seen one or even knows what one looks like? Tell me Is It A Man Thing Or A woman Thing?  Write in and express your thoughts or opinions.
Until then have a wonderful night,


bonitamoses-arnold said…
Charles, I read your post and this is my opinion , I see how things were done in the old days as far as the man being the head of the house hold and the man eats first. If this is how it was done, hey...that's to each its on. I personally would prefer for my entire family to sit and eat together. Those days may have shown and honored the man as the head, but these days it takes two incomes now to pretty much make it, so where as the man worked, yes the woman stayed at home, cooked, washed, took care the children, iron the clothes etc.....she is the man's help meat....where you come short example.....she should have your back. When the mother is out working, and the man comes home from work, he should have dinner ready for her and the kids too. Roles now have reversed to dual roles. My grandmother taught all of my brothers how to cook, iron, wash etc... in case they didn't get married they could take care of themselves. Like a sermon I heard on the radio recently..this man always complained about his wife was too old and got up too early in the morning to wash, cook, iron, etc...and he complained and prayed and ask God to send him a younger woman. Well after he left his 1st wife that got up too early he got him a young wife.....he was all excited in the beginning, and later he discovered she didn't get up @ all.(It's a partnership especially) that's if you want something in life! If not, remain single because it is better to marry then to burn. As far as the compassion part the man should be glad to show compassion to his wife and not making her feel that she need to be hard. If he doesn't somebody else will. You can do bad by yourself. Getting in touch with the inner-man and falling in love with the inner man, and learning who the woman or man is within can only strengthen the relationship. Too many couples today never take the time to get to know each others inner-self that is......if the inner self is as beautiful as the out side then its no reason why they all in love and marry, but if you never get to know the inner self, you still don't know each other. If a man shows his woman compassion, it shouldn't make him feel lesser than a man, or look or feel week. Just like a woman yarns for compassion, so does a man, we are human......
Yes, the man is suppose to be the head of the household and the bread winner, but if the bread winner works a 12 hour shift, no my children will not starve until he gets home.
bonitamoses-arnold said…
Amen my brother...n if its not done God's way, its not going to last anyway. yes Christ is the head of the church, and man too, but if the man is not in order with God's purpose of the church, he can not be head of him as in letting his spirit lives within him because the holy spirit doesn't dwell in an unclean temple, nor will he force himself on you. Far he stand and knock and if you open the door he will come in and sup with you and you with him. I don't want no man heading over my life and my kids that is not allowing Christ to 1st be the head over him...its dangerous. When a man's ways pleases the lord he will make even his enemies to be at peace with him. In order....Christ, the man, the woman, yes... only the followers of Christ...out of order, the man, the woman, Christ ...... out of order the woman, the man, Christ.....
bonitamoses-arnold said…
That is why Jesus put Adam asleep and took his rib out a made woman to be a help meat to her man, to walk on side of him, not in front of him....... man.
Charles Holmes said…
Wow! I love your thoughts, the way you expressed yourself and more importantly your faith. God has a perfect order for both man and woman to follow. Its his will that man be made the head of the family and that woman become a mans help mate. Yes in today's time some women happen to work and make more money than their spouses. But one fact remains, just because a woman happens to make more money than her spouse or man doesn't mean her role should change. As a matter of fact after women fought for equal right years ago , the role of a man diminished. If you read statistics then you would also know, after that time there has been more divorces and the divorce rate increases more everyday. As a matter of fact there are now more single, divorce people in the United States than married people. One may question why is this happening? A simple answer to that is because both man and woman are breaking Gods divine order. God the head of man, man the head of woman and woman a mans help mate.( 1 Corinthains 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God)
May God bless you always

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