Is it really that serious?

If you have watched the news lately , then I know you would have notice the  latest craze called shopping which is happens to be in fashion in  the world we all  live in today. These days people will go to any lengths to purchase an item, such as Televisions', Cell phones, tennis shoes or other items, that now its become literally crazy. Now people are sleeping in sleeping bags and tents sometimes two days in advance to purchase an item for Christmas. As crazy as that may sound, now people are even arguing or fighting over items that they could  purchase online or they could just simply wait until the crowd dies down and then purchase the items they would  like another day. What so crazy too me is viewing what just happen on the news the other day. People standing in long lines waiting to purchase a pair of tennis shoes for over $180.00 . First of all tennis shoes for $180.00 how much sense does that make ? Couldn't they wait? Its just an re released pair of Jordan's from the old days. Please! In this depressed economy we all live in it doesn't make much sense to fight over this item or any other material thing. Come on people is it really that serious? Don't you guys realize that this is suppose to be Christmas, a celebration of the birth of Christ? Why has Christmas or every other holiday become so commercialized? And why are these people not using this time, to be with their families or friends and use these days to celebrate the real reason for the seasons? Jesus! Come on people! Is it really that serious? Write in and express your thoughts on the subject.
Until then, have a Merry Christmas and a very safe New Year!


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