Its Not My Fault
What I was taught by both of my parents , that a man or a woman has to learn how to be a one, before they can be somebody else's man or woman. What did my parents mean by this statement? What they meant by this statement, is that a man or woman have to have the ability to take care of themselves and also have the mental capabilities to leave the past behind. My mom would make me laugh when she would say, Baby if you happen to meet a woman, who is still holding on to past hurts or pains, please tell her this for me, "Its not my fault that he hurt you". Which brings me to the topic of today, Its not my fault. Men, women, I have a question, that I am hoping each of you have an answer for. Aren't you tired of meeting someone for the very first time, but all they can do is complain or talk about what their ex spouses used to do them in their past? Aren't you tired of hearing that all men or women are the same or a like? My question to those or to you is you happen to feel that way, "Why are you trying to date or looking for love, in the first place? If all men or women happen to be bad in your eyes, then do what the people who have left their past where it belongs a favor ,stop dating! Why? Because you are not ready, you are not over your ex and its not their fault that someone cheated, hurt you, lied or treated you bad. Besides that its never wise to keep bringing up your past, while you are currently living in the present. So get over it and move on! Its Not My Fault! Write in, then express your thoughts or opinions on the subject.