Marriage Or Relationship Are You Scared?

 If you read your paper lately or watched the news, then you will soon realize one very disturbing fact, there are now more single or divorced people in the world. Now more than ever people are embracing lifestyles, that back in my day were unheard of. Open relationships, having multiple sexual partners or having a relationship with someone that is married, used to be thing that most people frown on. But now the younger and even  some in the older generations are embracing these three very controversial lifestyles. It used to be that married men or women and people that were involved in relationships were off limits. But now it seems to be okay and many are open or okay with it. Many men or women that are married get into other relationships, before they get a divorce, while the bold ones get involved with one or two people at the same time. My late grandmother used to say, "Finish what you started". It makes one want to ask what's wrong with having , then being in a normal marriage or relationship?

 It makes me ask this very important question, Why are people embracing lifestyles, that have obvious problems or serious consequences? Is it that they are scared of commitment or is it because they are trying to find themselves? What ever the reason or purpose, less and less people are getting married. The focus now is only on sex, money or material possessions and many don't seem to care about where this may lead them into the future. Now in today's society both men or women boast and brag about how many sexual partners or about who are they using or try to get over on. It makes me want to ask them these very serious questions. Does anyone want love or commitment  anymore or want to be married to their high school sweethearts or soul mates for a lifetime? What's wrong with being married or in committed relationship? Whats so good or right about cheating or having so many sexual partners? Love can be a very beautiful thing and if  two people can remain committed to each other through all the storms, their marriage can last a lifetime. Question is, " Are you scared of marriage or true commitment and if so why"?  Please write in and lets have an open discussion, explain why you or other people today are embracing these controversial lifestyles, instead of marriage or a real relationship.



Anonymous said…
I'm nit scared of marriage or commitment, I desire it, however, I do fear of being deceived by someone who is hiding behind a mask. So I much always stay in clear focus through God's eyes. The marriages of today are no longer honorable before God and are just temnporary. Sex is so perverted and no longer something special created by God for the married. People aren't marrying for love and commitment but just convenience, material possession, status or money. So sad. I just pray that I'm not deceived and not part of the "great falling away", people driven by their own lusts.
Charles Holmes said…
I agree with you Anonymous a lot of marriages or relationships are flawed today. But it doesn't matter what man tries to change , marriage will always be sacred , a contract between man and God. I once told my daughter who at that time was dating a man that she like very much, not to give her boyfriend what he wanted, but instead allow him to desire you. Then she asked me this question," Father what's the difference between want or desire"? Then I answered her by saying, "Wants are given to you and desires are worked for". When you want something all you have to do ask me and I shall give it too you. Don't make it so easy for a man that you wish would love you. Make him know that you are a queen, royalty and you are not like a common whore that can be taken advantage of. Make him work for it , then let him know that out of all the women in the world, you are the only one that he can call his, wife, his queen and soul mate for life.
Anonymous said…
Thanks I shared this with my daughter. I told her this was from a man's point of view
Charles Holmes said…
You are very welcome!!!

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