A Special Night

Since I have been writing my blogs for Q&A with Chuck, many of the letters that I have been getting from my readers or friends have been about relationship problems. But this letter that I received from one of my readers is a little different from the rest, because its not about a problem but a solution. This reader is requesting some advice on planing a special night for her man. He has been in Iraq for over 2 years and is finally coming home for good. Since this reader hasn't seen her husband in over two years, she wants his first night back with her to be very special. As a man it is always nice to know that there are actually women out there that think so much of their men that they would seek some outside advice. I am very honored to be asked and before I answer her I would like my readers to read this very moving letter.

Hi Chuck,
How have you been? I have been reading your blogs I must say that I enjoy reading each and everyone of them. My girlfriends and I always talk about them while we are at work. The reason I am writing you is not because I have a problem with my marriage or relationship, it is because I need some advice on a totally different issue. I love my husband deeply and feel that God has blessed me with a very good man. We have been married for over 7 years and its been great! But one day my husband had to leave me and start serving our country in Iraq. This is his second tour of duty and now he is coming home for good. The reason why I am writing you is because the last time he came home it was awkward, we felt like strangers and I didn't know how to love him. It felt strange holding him in my arms again. This time when he comes home I want to do better and I want it to be different . I want him to know that the woman he left behind still loves him the same as before he left me, please help me plan a special night.

Dawn your husband is a very lucky man and I can see why he loves you so much. My mother used to always say, When you love someone you should be able to shout it out on the roof tops and I can clearly tell that you love your husband. It takes a special woman to seek help or advice when it comes to a marriage. All I can say to you is this, your husband is just as anxious to see you as you are. He will be nervious or scared, because he doesn't want to disapoint you . My advice to you is when he settles in, to take things slow,then prepare a meal that he enjoys, along with some soft music that you both like. Then when the moment is right, give yourself to him completely. Let him know that as you would say, love him just as much as you did before he left you.
Have a special night,


Anonymous said…
Chuck, I suggest that your reader be very unique and romantic so she can bring back the memories of their relationship before her husband left. For example, she can put together an album of pictures of when they met, pictures or video from their wedding or vacation, etc. Anything that will make both of them feel like they have never been apart. After he arrives and family members have had their time with him, she can plan an outing away from everyone (if she has the finances) go out for dinner at a nice restaurant and then a nice hotel with the rose petals, nice music and anything she wants to add. She can do this at home also, just decorate a certain room of her home into something special. Also, as soon as he arrives, she should be "touchy/feely" throughout the day, to get use to his touch. When he arrives to their home, she can have special notes around the house saying what she misses about him in each room of the house. I can go on and on. lol She just needs to let him feel like she only has eyes for him and getting "dolled up" will not hurt either. I wish I was there to help her, I get excited when he comes to helping someone get that spark back in their marriage. I can think of many marriages that need it. I pray it's a special, romantic and unforgettable time for each of them. - Lynette
Charles Holmes said…
Dam Lynette, that's what I am talking about! Oops! Got carried away! But all that you wrote sounds good to me! I know your man must be really loving you, because you seem to know how , as my son would say," Put it down!" The world needs more romantic women like yourself , maybe then there wouldn't be so many divorces. I am pretty sure Dawn appreciates your suggestions and if your are single(smile) some men out there may be hunting you down.
Have a wonderful fourth of July,
Anonymous said…
Thanks Lynette and Chuck you are right her suggestions are very good. Chuck I never expected you to respond so quickly, thank you! Your blog is awesome! Back to you girl, I never would have thought about those ideals and I plan to used them when my baby gets home. Chuck, yours were okay, but what can you expect from a man? (smile)
Have a Happy Fourth,
Anonymous said…
I know the feeling of having your man return after such a long time apart overseas. After he returns, continue to have date nights and really enjoy just the two of you. It can be spontaneous or planned. Keep a little spice in your relationship too (appropriate spice). I like notes, "just because" cards, bubble baths together with candles all around. Just be creative. When you love someone, they need to always know that they're the most important person in your life other than God. Have a wonderful homecoming. **Short Stuff
Anonymous said…
Thanks Charles, you are so welcome Dawn, show him he's the KING of your castle. Short Stuff, when when I mentioned I can go on and on that included that included bubble baths, but bathing him like he's her baby. Let me stop, lol - Yall have a blessed 4th - Lynette
Charles Holmes said…
Is it getting hot on my blog or what? You ladies are a trip, but I bet your men are very happy!Food for thought, I thought men talked dirty. But what I am finding out that women talk dirty too , but take it too a different level. Anyway, this has been fun.
Have a great evening.

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