Another thing that has always made me mad or had my blood boiling, is hearing or seeing children disrespect their parents or elders in public. Some of these children forget that is was their parents that cared, help educate, fed and kept a roof over their heads, until they were old enough to fend for themselves.You would think that when children grow up and then become adults that they would appreciate their parents more. But from what I have experienced or found out that it doesn't matter if you are rich , poor, great , or a very good parent some children will never give their parents the respect they deserve. Some have been known to abuse their parents verbally or physically and in those rare case some have even murdered their own parents. That's why even today most children don't have an solid relationship with any of their parents. I have found that some parents don't or won't have anything to do with their disrespectful children because of their shameful behavior. What's funny to me is that some children feel like their parents really owe them something, when in fact their parents don't owe them nothing at all. Its my opinion when a child is old enough to take care of themselves then their parents job is done. After that its up to the parent if they want to help their grown child or children in anyway. This reminds me of something my late grandmother would always say, when it comes to relationships, marriage or raising children. When she would say," Baby, if they don't respect you at home, then they won't respect you in the streets. If they can disrespect you in public, imagine what they would do to you behind close doors. Without respect no marriage or relationship will ever work and disrespectful children will always break up a happy home. Its always about RESPECT earn it, give it, live it and always demand it ! RESPECT! Write in then express your thoughts, veiws or opinions on the subject.