Beyond Tomorrow
I was once told by a very wise woman that true love is only a fire fueled by passion, trust, want , need, will and desire without it she went onto explain it would only burn out or fade away. When I asked this wise woman what did she mean by her statement she looked at me then said, If a person wants their man or woman to stay in love with them for a long length of time then all of those things I mention are needed for true love to survive. Then she looked at me then said, The problem with young men or women today, is that all of them expect a perfect spouse or one that's already pre-programmed to take care of all their needs. Men or women today don't want to work hard or even take the proper time to get to know their spouses and when time gets hard, ruff that's or if their spouse isn't as perfect or good as the were in the beginning is when most want to give up, quit, breakup or get a divorce. Then she smiled and said, But baby the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence and what looks good isn't always good. That's why in my day men or women took their time, then dated, took their time before sex or marriage and none were willing to give up their bodies just for a quick #$%$&* or fling. Do you know why young man? Before I could say a word she said, because we had enough sense to look past today or Beyond Tomorrow. Write in then express your thoughts or feelings on the subject.