I Am Just Saying !!!
Now it wouldn't be all that bad if they were only hurting themselves, but when children or other people are involved that's when I really get mad! Fellas or ladies if you happen to be unhappy at your job, in your relationship or marriage, don't like or hate your spouse and you are raising children, please do them a favor,(If you refuse to do it for yourself) Leave! Why? Because what you do and how you feel is also felt by your own children or others. When you feel unhappy, miserable or sad it effects your children, friends and family members also! No child wants to be raised in an unhappy environment or home and the simple fact is it isn't quite fair to them.! Also you as a parent happens to be setting a bad example, by making them think that its okay to be unhappy at their careers or miserable in a relationship or marriage because mommy or daddy is doing or living with it. Stop being unhappy! Stop being miserable and please stop being sad! Don't keep lying to yourself or others by saying that there is nothing you can do about, because it isn't the truth and you know it! Life is too short and there are way to many opportunities to take advantage of. Stop crying, complaining, procrastinating or worrying and do something better with your life. The fact is nothing is ever really going to change in your life until you do something about it. Start now, then stop putting off something you can do today, only to wait until tomorrow. If you do your life will be better because you were brave or smart enough to make a change. I know there are some who may have read this and think that I was being mean, but I am tired of grown%#%@# men or women making the same old stupid mistakes! Grow up be a real man or woman and do something meaningful with your own life. Grow a set of balls, breast or whatever just wake up and do something, I Am Just Saying!! Write in then express your thoughts or feelings on the subject.