A Happy Spouse A Happy Life
There is an old saying that's been around almost since the beginning of time, A happy wife leads to happy life or marriage. Back then most men put their feelings, thoughts or desires buried deep inside themselves in order to keep their women or wives happy and sacrificed themselves in order to save the family. Men in those days were the bread winner's, worked long hours night and days to provide for the family. While the women stayed home cook, cleaned and then raised the children. As long as the wife was happy most men were happy with ever family life they had. As we all know time has changed and now women demanded a fair place in the workplace, then started to earn money for themselves. Now relationships or marriages are truly equal and no man or woman has to put their feelings on the side to make it work. As you think about what you have read so far, ask yourself these two questions, Is your spouse truly happy with you? Have you done everything possible to keep them happy or satisfied? Are you or your spouse supportive of the others needs , wants or desires? As you think about those questions, I would like to leave you with a few pointers that will help your relationship or marriage grow into something truly special. Never go to bed mad and dont argue over anything silly or meaneless. Even if your spouse happens to be wrong its okay to let them win or make them feel like they are right, sometimes just to keep the peace. The key to every successful relationship or marriage is knowing what makes your other half happy, sad or angry and avoiding doing the things that will run them away. Being that all things are equal they must do the same for you in return. If the both of you bend a little, let each other have their way and do what ever it takes to please them, then in time you both will have a very successful relationship or marriage. A marriage or a relationship with little stress, great communication and the ability to look past the other diffrences will lead to a very happy life. A Happy Spouse A Happy Life! Write in, share your thoughts or feelings on the subject.