That's Cool
There are lots of things in life that can drive a person crazy, make life difficult or make them very angry. Traffic, difficult working environment( especially working for a boss from hell), toxic, abusive relationship or marriage and the worse of all, dumb, ignorant, racist or stupid people. Those things or type of situations can have the ability to ruin a persons day, but as a mature adult, you can't allow those type of people or situations change you. Instead you have to learn how to accept things, the way they are and say to yourself these two simple words, That's Cool. Then precede to say," I am alright. I am me and I am not about to let that, them or anyone ruin my day. Whatever happens on your way to school, work or any other destination you can't loose your cool, because it won't get any better if you try to inject your anger or emotion into it. Instead it will only bring more trouble or unwanted drama in your life and in some ways it will ruin your true happiness. Now do yourself a favor then ,take a deep breath, chill out, settle down, calm yourself and relax before you get angry or loose your way. Say to yourself," That's Cool, I am alright, I am man or woman enough to face anything that might come my way. Hey you are you Cool? Really? Okay, then That's Cool and go about your way. Write in then express your thoughts or views on the subject.